Thursday, July 18, 2013

Review: One Night With a Rock Star by Chana Keefer

One Night With a Rock StarOne Night With a Rock Star by Chana Keefer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Ok, now that I mostly got that out, damn it all to heck! Why, Sky, oh why would you do that?!

This is pretty much my reaction to the book. All. Throughout. The. Book.


One Night With a Rock Star is an epic tale of meeting someone who you have dreamt about for a while, then falling in love with them, then having them ripped away for you. But, as you try to move on, you keep seeing them in everything that you do. It is a truly, truly wonderful book! It is wonderfully written, and even though this probably won't happen in real life, you can find that you relate to the main character, because her feelings for Sky are real feelings that normal people have and it just makes you want to root for them to be together. In the end everything is explained about why he did what he did and I think that that is a good things for novels to have. I am going to go cry now, because after you finish the book on Kindle, there is a glimpse into the second book, and now I am terrified of what is going to happen, and I feel so bad for both Esther and Sky, and I'm just caught in a wave full of FEELS! OH. MY. GOD. I AM GOING TO DIE. Someday, I will be found dead in my bedroom, and the cause of my death will be too much stress on my heart from it always skipping a beat when something exciting happens in books. WAY TO GO AUTHORS FOR KILLING ME!! If you have not read it, I am tell you to stop what you are doing, go to and buy One Night With a Rock Star. And, it's free. Go do it. You WILL NOT regret it!


  1. Hi Zoe!

    Thanks so much for your review of One Night With A Rock Star. Am I sounding mature and calm enough? Because inside I'm leaping up and down like a crazed little girl.

    I love your review, I love what a wonderful grasp and love you have for E, Sky and the novel in general. And I LOVE that your review is the first time One Night With a Rock Star has received a GIF in a review.

    Woohoo! You go down in history! (happy dance for Zoe!)

    Hugs and blessings on you, your life, your blog and anything else you pour your heart into!

    Chana K.

    1. Thank you so much for all your kind words, and thank you so much for writing One Night With a Rock Star!! The novel is just so full of wonderfulness, I don't feel like the review does it justice. Thank you so much for all the kindness of your words, and for even reading the review! It makes me feel all jittery inside to know that an author of one of my new favorite books even took the time to read my review! I hope that as you write more stories, you become more recognized with all your work, because it definitely deserves more recognition! I truly had a wonderful time reading your book, it is so spectacular! Again thank you for your kind words! I cannot wait for more of your writings! God bless you and your family!
