Saturday, September 14, 2013

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As it says in the book, "WHAT IS THIS LIFE ANYMORE?"! Why, John Green, do you have to be such a brilliant writer that writes tragedies!? It makes the tragedies even more tragic and even more beautiful. (view spoiler)
What is amazing about this book is that it makes you cry for the characters, and what they go through. I can honestly say that this is the first book that I've read that made me cry for the characters losses. It is just such a beautiful story!

What is even more beautiful about this book is that the characters, i.e. Hazel, Augustus, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Waters, are real. They have amazing depth and go through struggles that I can't even begin to imagine. It's just so beautiful. I know the I'm using the word beautiful a lot, but I don't know what else to describe the story as other than beautiful.

This story will grip you from the very first page, and keep you gripped until after the end of the story; I had to write this review a day after I finished it, just because I couldn't produce an actual thought other than AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WWWWHHHHYYYYYY! It's just so amazing, and I know that I say read this if you haven't in a lot of my reviews, but with this, didn't even hesitate; go now and read it and keep it and love it so much. You will most defiantly not be disappointed; there is hype for this book for a reason.

View all my reviews

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