Thursday, November 28, 2013

Review: Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Life of PiLife of Pi by Yann Martel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this for school and before we started reading it,I thought that it would be a bad book and that it would suck. I was very wrong.

Life of Pi is about a young teenager that leaves India with his family to find a new life in Canada. During their trip to Canada, a ship called the Tsimtsum (pronounced sim-sum) sinks and Pi is the only survivor. He gets thrown overboard and lands in a life boat with a 450 pound Bengal tiger. This is a story that is very descriptive and sometimes gruesome at parts, and even though it is fiction, you think that this really happened. That's how good Life of Pi is. Especially the way that the author sometimes inserts himself, when the adult Pi is telling Yann Martel his story. I really enjoyed the way that Martel wrote the story, and how he told about Pi's story. It was an phenomenal novel, and I really do encourage you to read this book if you haven't.

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