Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Themed Novels

So this week, is Halloween and in honor of that I though it would, be cool to list the top ten books, movies, or music that either are the best Halloween themed or that may have a scene or two, in correspondence with the spooky 'Holiday.' :)

10. The Portrait of Dorian Grey-Oscar Wilde
The novel is primarily centered around Dorian Grey a young, handsome and successful man who's vain and arrogant ways lead to his eventual downfall. Throughout the a painting created for him begins to grow more and more grotesque depending on his sins of that day. Which leads the reader to believe that the paintings is in fact a reflection of his soul.

9. Frankenstein-Mary Shelly.
This book is one perfectly themed for Halloween.
It's creepy, mysterious, and even grotesque.
A portion of this book is dedicated to the workings of fictional scientists:Victor Frankenstein who has always been a bit unorthodox in his methods of madness.

8. The Phantom of the Opera-Gaston Leurox.
This book has been adapted numerous times, in the form of Movies, Opera, Ballets and even its music.
Like Mary Shelly's Frankenstein it is a Gothic novel centered around a Haunted French Opera house. It incorporates elements of terror, spookiness, and genuine curiosity.

7. Carrie-Stephen King.
Carrie, is centered around a young teenage outcast, who uses her powers, such as telekinesis against those who regularly torment and bully her at school. Which leads to an eventual disaster during prom night that results, in the loss of hundreds of lives.

6. The Shinning-Stephen Kind.
This novel also by Stephen King. Revolves primarily around Protagonist Jack Torrance who travels with his family to a hotel in order to be a caretaker there. There son Danny is able to see the terrible things that happened in the hotels past. Soon after, a terrible storm cuts off the power and isolates the hotel. Which is then haunted by terrible forces of evil. That leaves everyone in danger. The Shining was adapted into a successful film By Stanley Kubrick and released in 1980.

5. Dracula-Bram Stoker.
Dracula, is a Gothic novel centered around the fictional vampire of the same name. Throughout the book Dracula fights against a small band of men, in his attempt to move from Transylvania to England.

4. The legends of sleepy hollow-Washington Irving.
The Legends of Sleepy Hollow is actually a collection of short stories written by Irving.
The novel centers around the small haunted town of Sleepy Hollow (believed to be base off of Terry Town, New York)That becomes 'haunted' by a headless horsemen.

3. Sherlock Holmes- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes is based on two primary characters:Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. A spunky, yet brilliant, detective and strict but caring doctor. This is on the list because of its Gothic attributes and spunky, yet almost unreal humor and investigations.

Here's an interesting fact. Arthur Conan Doyle wanted to kill off Mr. Holmes for real in the series but fans of the book expressed such outrage that he decided to add on more installments. There have been numerous book, to film and book to television adaptions. Perhaps some of the most famous, is the U.K. BBC series staring, primarily Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman staring as Sherlock Holmes, and John Watson. Another film adaption made before the popular series stars, Robert Downy Jr. As Sherlock, Jude Law as Watson and Rachel McAdam's as Irene Adler.

2.The Horror at Red Hook-H.P. Lovecraft.
This is a short story published in January of 1927. It's on the list for obvious reasons.

1. The Tell Tale Heart-Edgar Allen Poe
This comes in at number one on the list. Due to its ability to convince the reader that the narrator (who commits a murder) is in fact not insane. Even though he kills someone, chops them up into little pieces and then hides the dismembered body underneath the floor boards of his house. The narrator then begins to 'hear' the heart beating of the man he murdered possibly due to guilt. This story is utterly macabre as was Mr. Poe'specialty.

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